Our Mission Statement With the help of God and within the structure of Lutheran Church Canada's theology, Camp Aurora has the purpose of reaching out to young people and providing them with Christian life skills that will empower, strengthen and give them the boldness that accompanies the assurance that Jesus Christ is their personal savior. Also, to help them set Christian goals that will guide their lives and to give them wisdom, knowing God is with them.
Where Do We Come From? Camp Aurora is owned by all communicant members of the six Lutheran Church Canada churches in Thunder Bay: Calvary Lutheran Church (http://www.calvarythunderbay.ca/) Christ Lutheran Church (http://christthunderbay.ca/) Epiphany Lutheran Church (http://www.epiphanythunderbay.com/) Lappe Lutheran Church (http://lappelutheranchurch.weebly.com/) Redeemer Lutheran Church (http://www.redeemerlcc.ca/) Trinity Lutheran Church Camp Aurora is operated by a Board of Directors, consisting of up to 14 members of the 6 churches, as well as a Pastoral Advisor.
Our Staff We are focused on running our camp with responsible, mature, energetic, caring and Christ-loving staff! Our staff includes a pastor, counsellors, a lifeguard and a cook. Hiring takes place between February and May for the summer season of July. Please click on the Apply tab at the top of the page for our staff application. We would love for you to join our team!